Curious if your little one will have curls? Below are five tell-tale signs.
1. You And/Or Your Partner Has Curls
You may be tempted to look at your current curls, but it's likely you (and your partner's) hair has transformed over the years. Now is the perfect time to pull out those baby pics. If you don’t have any, ask a loved one if they can describe your hair as a newborn. Your little one may adopt your curls, your partner’s curls, or a combination of the two.
2. They’re Born With Curly Hair
If your little one is born with curls, they just might keep them (although, some babies grow out of them).
3. You Notice Clumping
Some curls take time to develop. So before you're able to see the curl, you may notice clumping. This looks like sections of hair that gather and naturally can’t get enough of each other. This happens because curls love to stick together!!
4. Hair Sticks Up After Brushing
If you notice hairs sticking up after you’ve neatly brushed your baby’s hair, chances are those elevated strands are getting ready to bend. They just need a little more length to complete the curl.
5. Rounded Shape
Look closely at your baby's hair for early signs of curls. Curls that are just starting to form can imitate an O-shape, C-shape, J-shape, or S-shape. The different shapes will depend on the length of the hair and how tight the curl is.
Every day your little one is growing -- this includes their curls. If you want to try our free hair journal, it's here.
Product Suggestions
Affiliate Links
Wood Baby Brush (For Baby Scalp Massage)
Coconut Oil (Our Fave For Scalp Massage)
Hooded Towels (To Keep Baby Warm After Bath)
African Black Soap (Our Fave Bar Soap That Can Be Rubbed Directly Into Water)
Toddler-Friendly Hair Elastics (They Pop If Installed Too Tight + Do Not Get Stuck In Hair)
Curl-Friendly Bed Time Story (Best for Ages 1-6)