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What Do Your Children (Ages 1, 5 And 8) Do While You Do Their Hair?

Our five year old usually sleeps.

It takes me 2-4 days to take out and rebraid her entire head. Of course, she’s super relaxed when she’s knocked out, so that allows me to really take my time in removing the shed strands and lint from each section.

If you’re wondering, about her wash routine. I wash her hair with the braids in and she gives me no more than 3 minutes in the tub.

Our one year old rarely lets me do her hair —like never. The only time I get to do it is when she’s taking a bath. And even then I have 22 seconds (or less) to run a detangling brush through her small fro.

Our eight year old gets her hair done more frequently (almost daily). When I’m doing her hair she is either watching YouTube or playing Roblox. In regards to washing her hair, she does that herself.

8 year old girl hair, African American pigtails, pigtails black hairstyle, pigtails hairstyle black, girl playing on beach

What about your family? What do your little ones do while you do their hair? Need to schedule a one-on-one? Use code: HEART2HEART.

Until next time.

Love the Journey,

Here are our current hair products and tools...


Wet brush (from dollar store)

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