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Baby Hair (+ The Thickening Process)

a baby happily playing with their younger sibling

Many babies are born with scattered strands. This hair was made to thrive inside the womb where it's wet, warm, and has minimal debris. As little one's adjust to a drier climate outside of the womb with fluctuating temperatures, and more pathogens -- the hair magically adjusts.

Baby hair typically starts to thicken between 4 to 10 months. This phase is often referred to as the "infant hair growth spurt." During this time, baby's hair follicles gradually mature, allowing for thicker and more abundant hair growth. Noticeable signs include a new texture emerging and the hair curling back on itself. Genetics play a significant role in determining the timing and rate at which a baby's hair thickens. Typically hair is thickest around the hair whorl and thins towards the edges.

Many baby's will have a full head of hair by their first birthday. This milestone is marked by an adorable field of curls that fully insulates baby's scalp. While it may be tempting to want to rush this natural process, thicker hair can also mean more maintenance. If you're little one is a mover, crawler, or toddler, they may not want to sit still while you care for their hair. So cherish the thinner months -- they go by fast.

Baby Hair Thickening Timeline Month by Month

If you're looking to track your little one's hair over time, we've created a hair journal with sample questions here.

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