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6 Adorable Styles That Don't Require Accessories

Accessorizing is when you add beads, bows, headbands, or more to make a style stand out. Our girls weren't fans of the time it took to decorate. Meaning, they just wanted me out of their heads as quickly as possible. So when it comes to our hair - we keep it simple. Here are four adorable styles that don't require accessories.

1. Plaits

6 Adorable Styles That Don't Require Accessories | DommiesBlessed

Just section the hair and braid. If you are not a braider than...

2. Mini Twists

6 Adorable Styles That Don't Require Accessories | DommiesBlessed

While plaits require three strands, twists only use two. Which means they are quicker to install. Depending on the hair texture they also curl or puff up - which is really cute.

3. Bantu Knots

6 Adorable Styles That Don't Require Accessories | DommiesBlessed

With bantu knots, you just grab a section of hair and twist. The knot is what holds the style in place.

4. Corn Rows

6 Adorable Styles That Don't Require Accessories | DommiesBlessed

You can totally add beads, but we’ve also just cornrowed the hair. You can do one, two or a head full of corn rows. Depending on the design, the braids are definitely enough.

5. Finger Coils

6 Adorable Styles That Don't Require Accessories | DommiesBlessed

Tightly twisting the hair around itself, creates these cute little coils that stay together by themselves.

6. Curly Fro

6 Adorable Styles That Don't Require Accessories | DommiesBlessed

I don't see the harm in letting them rock their hair out for the day, especially if they are okay with the detangling process.

Which of the styles above is your favorite? What styles do you do without using accessories?

Until next time...

Love The Journey,

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