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Breastfeeding A Newborn Is Messy

I forgot how messy the beginning of breastfeeding can be. Here is how I’m handling it.

Breastfeeding on the beach

Leaking Breasts

I’m leaking ALOT, so I bought reusable breast pads so that I’m not leaking through my clothes and onto other things.

Sticky Sheets

Between us both sweating and me leaking milk, our sheets are quick to feel damp and sticky.

To minimize laundry, I use minimal bedding. That means a waterproof cover followed by one sheet (flat or fitted).

Every couple of days, I alternate between the flat and fitted sheet, so it’s never a large load of laundry and I always have a dry clean sheet.

We also use TRUE because it’s a family detergent that is gentle enough for baby’s skin.

Spit Up

One of the best pieces of advice I received from a friend was to stay naked.

So we do.

I was bare-breasted a lot during the first few days. And our 3 week old is still naked most of the time.

This way, we do not have to worry about changing our clothes and excessive amounts of laundry, we just wipe the milk off of our bare skin.

And while breast milk can get sticky and leave stains, I'm super grateful for an ample supply, and that we have this precious gift in our lives.

Have you noticed breastfeeding being a little messy? What have you been doing to minimize the mess? Need to schedule a one-on-one? Use code: HEART2HEART.

Until next time...

Love The Journey,

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