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5 Tell Tale Signs Of Damaged Curly Hair (& How To Fix Them)

how to fix damaged curly hair, curly hair repair, how to restore natural curl pattern

For the past two birthdays, our six year old has asked for her hair to be straightened. I am used to recognizing damage on straightened hair, and am becoming more familiar with signs of damage on curly hair.

This is what I've noticed...

1. Ends Won't Straighten

Split ends are especially noticeable when I straighten our six year olds hair. They are frizzy and stubborn no many how many times I pass the flat iron through. I only straighten her hair once a year, because I know too much heat will create even more problems.

A quick trim with a pair of sharp shears may help. But I prefer keeping her hair in it's natural state for optimal health.

2. Difficulty Combing To Ends

When her hair is newly trimmed detangling is quick, easy and painless (even on curly hair). When the comb gets caught before it reaches the ends, I know this is a tell tale sign of damage.

Keeping the ends hydrated, moisturized, and hidden within buns or bantu knots allows them to heal. Braids are another protective style, but you must coil the ends using a fine tooth comb.

3. Short Hairs

Our daughter's shed hair usually comes out when I comb and brush her hair. When the shed hairs are short and choppy, instead of the full length of their strands, this is a sign of breakage. It took time for me to find products that complimented her hair. When I did, her hair was not as fragile and brittle.

4. Excessive Fly Aways

Fuzz and fly aways are a super cute characteristic of curly hair. Excessive amounts, especially moments after I just finished doing her hair, is a sign of breakage. The solution was keeping her hair in braids to allow the broken hairs to grow back.

5. Misshaped Curls

Although I've made mistakes with our daughter's hair, at least I know what it looks like during its healthiest state. So when I noticed elongated or misshaped curls, I knew something had to change in her hair routine, in order to prevent further damage. A good cleanse using ACV to remove build up followed by a deep conditioner, helped the curls bounce back.

Think your child's hair may be damaged and want me to take a look? Need to schedule a one-on-one? Use code: HEART2HEART.

Until next time...

Love the Journey,

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