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12 Digital Ideas For ROSE Graduates

ROSE stands for Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere. They offer a 2-day breastfeeding peer-support training. You graduate with a certificate and a pledge to serve your community.

But how...?

1. Start A Blog

3.7 million babies are born annually in the United States alone, and 87% are breastfed. Blogs are perfect for creating searchable evergreen content that lives on the web.

2. Mini Blog For Free

Platforms like Instagram are great ways to share bite-sized pieces of information. You don’t necessarily have to post a brelfie if you do not want to, but simply sharing that you are a breastfeeding mother offers modern-day support in our digitally-driven world.

3. Become A Breastfeeding Coach

Breastfeeding support goes way beyond teaching a mother different nursing positions and correcting their latch. As a peer, we understand the unique lifestyle of a breastfeeding family, which creates the perfect opportunity for peer emotional support.

4. Speak At Workshops & Conferences

What a better way to educate others than by presenting, leading inspiring workshops, or even guest lecturing at a university. This can be done in-person or virtually.

5. Write A Book

Contribute to children’s literature by writing a breastfeeding story. Here’s ours. I hired an illustrator from Morocco and a supplier from China.

6. Head Over To Reddit

As an online platform, it’s full of first-time mothers seeking advice from veteran moms like you and me.

7. Interview Other Breastfeeding Families

Collecting stories is a great way to validate mothers as well as communicate a deeper appreciation for the nursing family. If you're interested in sharing your story, we'd love to have you.

8. Go On A Podcast

Reach out to podcasters you admire and see if they’re interested in hosting you. Women's Month, Breastfeeding Awareness Month, and Mother’s Day are all special occasions where sharing your story can inspire their listeners.

9. Apply For A Grant

Seek funding for a project that you believe will have an enormous impact.

10. Submit An Article

Did you know breastfeeding is a part of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics)? Pitch your idea to a scholarly journal.

11. Create A Course

There are so many ways peers can enhance e-learning around breastfeeding. Think about what topics are missing from today's breastfeeding curriculum.

12. Collab With Me

As a natural term breastfeeding specialist, I’m always looking for new and exciting ways to bring value to breastfeeding families. Have an idea? Feel free to reach out.

These are suggestions I’ve come up with. There are so many ways to share your expertise as a breastfeeding mom. Here’s a list of amazing wombmen accomplishing extraordinary feats in their respective fields.

With over 7 years of lived breastfeeding experience, I definitely didn’t need the ROSE training. In fact, as a mom of small homeschoolers, I was very reluctant to spend 16 hours in a classroom.

Nevertheless, the trainers were super knowledgeable and I appreciate having so many breastfeeding enthusiasts in one room. It emphasized that we are all in this together, taking a multi-disciplinary approach to supporting nursing families.

Are you interested in the ROSE training? What other peer counselor programs have you completed? What type of work have you been doing? Who would you add to this list? Need to schedule a one-on-one? Use code: HEART2HEART.

maternal health jobs, reaching our sisters everywhere, ROSE, breastfeeding peer support counselor certification, breastfeeding peer counselor, breastfeeding peer counselor jobs, breastfeeding peer counselor training, breastfeeding peer counselor program, breastfeeding peer support, rose reaching our sisters everywhere, breastfeeding coach, breastfeeding coach training

Until next time...

Love The Journey,

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