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Can ABCmouse Be Used For Homeschool?


ABCmouse is a an online educational tool. It’s geared towards ages 2-8, and can totally be used for homeschooling. Homeschooling is a form of private education that allows parents to tailor their child’s learning path to their specific needs.

Different districts have different homeschool requirements. HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) has deemed Massachusetts as one of the strictest homeschooling states in the nation. As a Massachusetts homeschooler, we hope this doesn't scare you! This simply means that our state has a list of areas they deem as essential for children’s learning. These areas include…

  • English

  • Spelling

  • Handwriting

  • Reading

  • Math

  • Science

  • Technology

  • Social Studies

  • Geography

  • History

  • Art

  • Health/Physical Education

  • Music

  • Recess

Thankfully, ABCmouse covers all of these subjects.

Have Parents Ever Been Questioned For Including ABCmouse In Their Educational Plan?

Yes and no. There was a case where a Massachusetts’ parent had to send in a receipt of their ABCmouse subscription. Once this was received their educational plan was approved.

There has also been times when ABCmouse was the only listed learning tool and received immediate approval. Getting your district’s okay largely depends on which part of the state you live in as well as which staff is reviewing your plan.

How Much Does ABCmouse Cost?

Prices fluctuate. We’ve seen a yearly subscription of ABCmouse be as high as $156 a year ($12.99 per month), to as low as $45 a year. We recommend price checking around the winter holidays for their special offer.

Is ABCmouse Worth It?

We believe the membership is worth it only if your child is interested in the platform. You’ll know that your child enjoys ABCmouse, because they …

  • are excited using it,

  • regularly ask for it, or 

  • voluntarily engage with it

Does The Boston Public Library Offer Free Subscription to ABCmouse?

Unfortunately, the Boston Public Library hasn’t offered free subscriptions to ABCmouse. If you want to try ABCmouse, there is a 30-day free trial. If you’re looking for a year-round curriculum that's free, try ABCya - it’s one of our faves.

We hope this was helpful!

Until next time...

Love The Journey,

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