1 min

Dear Serena, I Too Gain Weight While Breastfeeding

Updated: Jan 14, 2021

I’m so thankful Serena Williams shared her experience gaining weight while breastfeeding.

I’ve breastfed three children and I gained ten pounds per child, which means I am 30 pounds heavier than my pre-baby body.

Here's the Wimbledon clip (start at 11:33) where Serena said, despite working out, being vegan, not eating sugar, and “eating completely healthy,” she still managed to gain and sustain the weight on her journey.

On her "Being Serena" series, her coach mentioned her body may be “retaining fat,” which makes perfect sense.

I whole-heartedly believe my body holds onto these cushion-stores so that it is able to produce ample food for the baby.

It’s also alleged that breast tissue while breastfeeding is heavier.

Whatever the divine reason, I’m super passionate about collecting and sharing more stories like Serena's.

And it’s one of the reasons we blog our personal journey, to flesh out and unpack what it actually looks like to nurse a child.

Serena said, “every body is different.” What is different about your breastfeeding journey? Have you gained weight while nursing? Need to schedule a one-on-one? Use code: HEART2HEART.

Until next time...

Love The Journey,