I love to create, I love to learn, I love to expand my mind.
So I blog.
To me blogging is so much more than writing my feelings down. There are many other platforms and journals where I can do that.
I started blogging for selfish reasons. In fact it was a birthday gift to myself.
After pouring so much into my children, my husband and our home - I needed a space for me.
Growing up I was addicted to learning and constantly feeding my mind with new information.
In adulthood, I continue to crave knowledge and love the feeling of my brain lighting up.
Blogging does that for me.
It's not just about writing.
It was the process of creating a heart-led business that brings value to others.
So I came up with a logo.
I got it trademarked.
I built a website.
I designed my website.
I pitched articles to other blogs.
I worked with vendors overseas to create products.
I contracted with local agencies.
This blog has afforded me so many opportunities, including speaking engagements and paid contracts.
But most importantly, it makes me proud of myself.
Every time I visit my blog it is something that I created from nothing.
This virtual address did not live here until I created it.
These images of beautiful chocolate babies, were not here until I posted.
A vision of a Black homeschooling family was not here.
It is something I can look at and feel proud of.
I blog because it is healing to me. It brings me clarity.
It forces me to sit down and clearly identify my life goals and why I do what I do with my family.
It keeps me on track. When I’m having a bad day, I will look back on posts like 10 coping skills for bad days.
I’ve noticed more conversations on breastfeeding, hair and homeschool as a result of it.
People have called to consult with me.
I believe these conversations are humongous steps towards building stronger families.
I’m proud of DommiesBlessed and I will continue to blog, because I owe it to our ancestors to document our journey.
Are you a blogger? What has blogging done for your?
Until next time.

Love The Journey,

Curious to know which software I use for my blog? Wix has been super helpful. Its drag-and-drop design makes it easy for me to focus on creating content, instead of coding and and other technical skills.