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7 Reasons Our Breastfed Daughter Loses It

7 Reasons Our Breastfed Daughter Loses It | DommiesBlessed

While our daughter gets attention, nourishment and security from breastfeeding, there are still moments when she melts down.

And here they are...

1. Hungry

Although our three year old still breastfeeds, she also loves a hearty meal. So snacking all day is not an option for our family. We have to have a warm breakfast and balanced dinner. If she doesn't have a satisfying meal, she melts down.

2. Tired

Quality sleep is still important at three. She naps for 1 to 2 hours a day and sleeps about 10 hours at night. Without proper rest - she falls apart.

3. Bored

We sometimes do activities for our six year-old that the three year-old has no interest in. If she is not being stimulated, or having fun, she melts down.

4. Wants to Soothe

Suckling on the breast is still a key part of her development. Cradling her close to my body, while she listens to my heart, calms our little one down if she is hurt, angry, frustrated and more.

5. Misunderstood

She still gets frustrated if she is trying to tell me something and I do not understand. Although I am not always successful, I try really hard to understand her wants and needs by reminding her to calm down and use her words.

6. Stressed

We've experienced a lot of change in our lives, which I am able to cope with as an adult, but realize it may not be as stress-free to our nursing daughter.

At three, she hasn't learned socially acceptable ways to cope, so she does what comes natural to her - which is to push the negative energy out of her body by jumping, stomping and throwing her body.

7. Express Herself

Our three year-old screams at the top of her lungs (at least once a day) and yet I still cringe when I hear the terms “tantrum” and “terrible twos.” Just because three year-olds can walk and talk, there are moments when our daughter struggles to communicate her needs.

Heck, I'm still learning myself and what situations, words and actions trigger negative feelings for me.

Recognizing her triggers helps me create a space that is more peaceful for our daughter. It also makes it easier for me to respond to her needs (and my own) when she melts down.

Falling out is how she gets that frustration out of her body. As long as she is not hurting herself or others, I think it's great that she is able to let lose, and then go on about her happy day.

What makes your breastfed child lose it?

Until next time...

Peace & Love,


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