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Grocery Shopping (Then vs Now)

Grocery shopping used to involve someone sleeping, someone crying, and someone about to lose their mind. Today we’ve figured out how to make it a somewhat fun event for all of us. Let's revisit how we used to shop, and what it looks like now.

1. Shopping List

Pre-children I was anti-list. I enjoyed skimming every aisle and buying whatever food pleased my cravings at the time. After children, my food shopping became goal-oriented, I needed specific items and I needed to get out of the store fast. I kept a running list of items we needed on our fridge and I snapped a picture before heading to the store.

Today: We still keep a dry erase board on our fridge. It allows our children to practice writing, and spelling, as well take responsibility for what foods we are low on. For example, if they use the last of the butter, they'll add it to our list. But, we still ended up forgetting items. So now (in addition to our dry-erase board) we also use the Notes app. It allows us to create a dynamic checklist, so that we can cross off items as we shop.

2. Shopping During Non-Peak Times

In the past, I avoided days like the first of the month (when some are paid) and after 5:00pm (when everyone gets out of work). This meant stores were almost empty, except for a few elders -- which I totally didn't mind. Less people equaled shorter lines and faster check-out times.

Today: We are totally fine with supporting the grocery delivery movement and all of its workers. This means, we don't leave our homes.

3. Entertainment

children in grocery cart designed as a car

These amazing shopping carts (pictured above) were life savers!! They provided a little entertainment for the girls, making my shopping experience a little easier. There was a point where we avoided the stores that didn't have them.

Today: We rarely go to the store. But if we did -- I wouldn't hesitate to use their iPads for added entertainment (and learning tools).

4. Stroller Storage

There were instances when both the girls were sleeping, but we needed food. During those times, I would only buy the essentials, and use every available space around them in the stroller to store food. Other moms suggested using a clip to add more space with an extra cart or bag (but I felt it made the cart off balance and awkward).

Today: I still wouldn't disrupt their sleep, but I'd use grocery delivery.

5. Snacking

Grocery shopping was such a drawn out event, that our girls would be hungry after. I was always intentional on buying finger foods (like grapes or chicken from the hot bar), so that they could eat on the car ride home. This of course resulted in a car full of old food and random crumbs.

Today: We often grocery shop as a family after eating a home-cooked meal. That's when we know exactly what we need more of.

If your family is not to the point where grocery delivery could save you a bunch of time and stress, consider yourself blessed. But if any of the chaos above describes your current situation, just try getting your groceries delivered once. You'll thank me later!! We use Amazon. The platform has built-in tools like "Subscribe and Save" as well as past orders, to make sure you keep your family's fridge stocked with the items your family loves.

Mentioned Products:

P.S. If you want to compare a list of other grocery delivery services in Boston. We made a list for you here.

Until next time...

Love The Journey,

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