2 min

Why I (Partially) Owe My Blog To Machine Learning?

Updated: Apr 27

I started this blog after our daughter announced she was not going to school. She was 5 at the time, and confidently confirmed her homeschool phase was not coming to an end.

I (while super grateful) was ready for more than playgroups and museums. I had spent the last few years away from a full-time gig, and was ready to revive my savings and multiply my income.

So I went to google to look up remote work that was fun, flexible and didn’t require much brain-power. My hope was that I could get paid for something that came fairly natural to me, while I continued to work super hard figuring this mom-thing out. I landed on jobs like teaching English to Chinese children at 5 in the morning. As well as transcribing voice recordings and telehealth.

I remember staying up until 2 am applying to job post after job post. Since the applications were online, they provided a response in seconds. Others never contacted me back.

Luckily, that was at a time where I frequently prayed for doors to be slammed in my face for life paths that were not destined for me. So I wasn't sad after I was denied from each position I applied. Fortunately, machine learning picked up on my desire to grow and said, “DommiesBlessed, you need a creative outlet.”

I honestly can not tell you how I discovered blogging, because I kept searching “remote jobs," "remote work," "how to work from home.”

As a true believer in breathers, I took a break and someone how got completely immersed in whatever I was reading. Next thing I knew, I was putting a nice-sized down payment on my little corner of the internet.

For the first month, my digital address did just that. It served as a form of creative expression and I was hooked on the drag and drop platform, creating a cozy virtual home for all those that stumbled on my page.

At that point, I did not know stay-at-home moms made a living from blogging.

I did not know, one of the top paid blogs was started by Arianna Huffington, a mom of two girls.

I did not know, blogging would get me speaking engagements, paid contracts, and be the platform for publishing my first children’s book.

Nope, at that point, I was asking shallow questions (but didn’t know it then). And while there are no silly questions. Shallow questions will often get you shallow answers.

Machine learning was built to recognize patterns and adapt its outputs based on what its given. Thank you machine learning for knowing a job was not what I needed, but an experience that would elevate my mind and provide genuine online peer support for so many families.

How has machine learning impacted your life? Have you been searching for something and realized your questions were not deep enough?

Until next time...

Love The Journey,