2 min

(not) Achieving My Lactation Consultant Goal

Updated: Jun 8, 2021

Five years ago my dream was to become a lactation consultant.

I thought a few classes and official title would put me in a better position to support families.

Well it’s been 5 years and thankfully I didn’t achieve that goal, but achieved something greater. A deeper more intimate connection with the lactation industry, my purpose and the people it would serve.

It started with me meeting a local mom who was thrilled to see me nursing in public. She told me she nursed her two year old. That was my first time personally meeting someone who nursed beyond infancy. And that encounter left me feeling super encouraged about how I was investing into our family.

A little later I met two lactation bloggers, one who only wrote a few posts, the other stopped publishing after a few years, but they both transformed my life and neither of them were registered “lactation consultants.”

They helped me realize the very viable niche of a breastfeeding blogger and that alternative therapies like herbs and colors have supernatural healing powers for mothers.

Then enters my 2-year-old daughter (who in my mind is a lactation expert in her own right). She taught me about breast massage while the baby feeds. A very important and practical skill to keep the bosom healthy and efficiently extracting milk.

I was also introduced to a local mother healer via word of mouth. Moms kept raving about how she showed her actual breasts and vials of real breastmilk at the pregnancy centering groups she led.

Then I discovered free access to scientific research through the National Library of Medicine. A wonderful resource for self-paced study.

Overtime I realized there are so many ways of becoming a breastfeeding specialist without traditional “professional” training or a structured academic trajectory. In fact my hands-on experience of nursing 3 girls well beyond their second birthdays has better prepared me to support the families I encounter.

So 5 years later, I’m not a licensed lactation consultant.

I’m a breastfeeding blogger.

As you explore my posts, please know my goal is not to replace the medical expertise of someone who has anatomically studied the breast, and its functions. I try to contribute holistic solutions to the complexities of mothering.

Meaning... everyone nowadays knows breast is best, but how do you actually do it? How can you sustain your health as a mother, maintain positive family dynamics, a strong marriage, stable finances while having a little one suckle from you multiple times throughout the day and night? On DommiesBlessed, I purposely tackle those issues through sharing my own lived experiences. And I hope my stories have helped and/or encouraged you in some way.

I’m here to say, despite not reaching my lactation goals. I’m truly blessed because that goal evolved into this blog with amazing visitors like you! So thank you so much for stopping by!

I want to encourage you to keep setting your goals. Create your own path. You’ll be pleasantly surprised when your life surpasses your wildest dreams and you are currently someone you never imagined.

What goals do you have for your life? What have you accomplished thus far that you are tremendously proud of? Want to join me as a blogger? Need to schedule a one-on-one? Use code: HEART2HEART.

Until next time,

Love The Journey,