2 min

7 Of Our Favorite Summer Hair Styles For Little Girls

Updated: Apr 27, 2023

Summer's here -- which means we are back to daily hair routines with the girls. We all prefer quick styles, so that our girls can spend most of the time enjoying the long hot days. Here are some of our faves.

1. Curly Fro

Our girls love when their hair is loose, and summer is the perfect time to do just that. When we leave the house with wet hair, it dries in minutes because of the hot sun. Our curly fros also puff up serving as the perfect scalp protection.

Why do we need scalp protection?

While, we have never experienced sun burn in our heads, I never want them to have to go through that. So in the summer, I prefer to keep with their scalp covered. This means no visible parts that are created when you put in multiple braids.

2. Braid Outs

Braid outs are another free flowing style that gives their hair and scalp a break. It only lasts for a day and we usually wear it after taking down week old braids.

3. Afro

Because braids outs don’t last long, I typically brush their hair out into an afro. Then I run oil through their hair, just to make sure their hair doesn't get hard, dry and brittle from the sun.

I also find that the loose styles also allow more oxygen flow and let their scalp breathe.

4. Bantu Knots

Bantu Knots are perfect for any season, mainly because they take seconds to create. I simply detangle and twirl the hair around itself.

5. Big Plaits

Big plaits are another quickie. I find braids to be the best way to protect our little swimmers from chlorinated and salt water.

It is also important for me to do big plaits to minimize the parts, so that their scalp remains covered and protected from the sun.

6. Buns

Buns can be quick and perfect for matted hair, dirty hair, and any other bad hair day. I just gather the hair and smooth down the edges. And most importantly, there are no parts.

7. Pony Tails & Pig Tails

I basically love any style that shows off our texture. Similar to buns, their hair is tied up, but with these styles their curls are out.

What are your favorite summer styles? What techniques do you use to protect your little one's scalp from the hot sun?

Until next time,

Love The Journey,